Click to make your selection on the “Button Above” to join or renew a membership to Keep McIntosh Beautiful today via PayPal.
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Click to make your selection on the “Button Above” to join or renew a membership to Keep McIntosh Beautiful today via PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account you can use your debit or credit card without having a PayPal account.
Click to make your selection on the “Button Above” to join or renew a membership to Keep McIntosh Beautiful today via PayPal.
You will need a PayPal account for yearly automatic renewals.
Click to make your selection on the “Button Above” to join or renew a membership to Keep McIntosh Beautiful today via PayPal.
You will need a PayPal account for yearly automatic renewals.
Join us in helping Keep McIntosh Beautiful! Partnering with KMB benefits you and your business in a big way. We believe in the power of collaboration and are seeking PARTNERSHIPS with people and businesses to further our mission and amplify our impact.
By becoming a partner of KMB, you’ll be directly contributing to our programs designed to enhance the beauty and economic activity in our community. *Land and Water Cleanups and Litter Control *Recycling Events and Education *Community Improvement and Beautification Projects *Our Award-Winning Abandoned Buildings Program that is removing dilapidated buildings and mobile homes.
In return, we offer various PARTNERSHIP Packages tailored to align with your company’s values and objectives. Benefits may include brand exposure through our marketing channels, opportunities for employee engagement, and recognition at our events and initiatives. In the past, we have reached out for Oyster Roast/BBQ Fundraiser Sponsors. Why just one event when we can celebrate our supporters ALL year long? Partnerships are the answer!
We understand the importance of meaningful partnerships and are committed to ensuring that our partners receive tangible value and recognition for their support all year long. Together, we can create positive change and make a lasting difference in the lives of our neighbors.
Your support is vital. Keep McIntosh Beautiful is a 501(c)3 non-profit and registered affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation network, but we receive no financial support from either of these organizations and are one of only a few state affiliates (out of 73) which receive no local government funding. Learn more about KMB and what we’re doing at
We DO ask that you arrange at least one cleanup yearly. Pick up trash right in front of your business or host a bigger pickup with employees elsewhere in our community. You’ll be given all supplies needed – litter grabbers, safety vests, bottled water, trash bags. What a mutually beneficial bonding activity AND exceptional marketing moment!
Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to the possibility of working together to create a brighter future for our community. Working together for a clean, green and beautiful McIntosh County!
Tracy Sanford, Executive Director