Keep McIntosh Beautiful

Keep McIntosh Beautiful Organization Statement

RE: McIntosh County Roadside Chemical Herbicide Spraying

Whereas the chemical herbicides spraying approved in 2022 by the McIntosh County Commissioners is an environmental hazard and could put McIntosh County’s residents, vegetation, pollinators, and wildlife at risk. KMB is opposed to the spraying of chemical herbicides for the purpose of roadside vegetation control

McIntosh County is a vast landscape of pristine marshlands and waterways and home to all manner of mammal, bird, fish, and insect life. Citizens and tourists alike, call our county “paradise.” In keeping with the KMB Mission, we are here to provide beautification awareness, conservation resources and protect our homelands and wildlife.

Chemical herbicide could put shrimping, beekeeping, blueberry and row crop farming and household gardens at risk. McIntosh County is home to a notable array of wildlife consisting of shrimp, oysters, crabs, wood storks, dolphins, gators, pollinators and other birds and fish life. We need to act in a prudent manner for the conservation of our McIntosh “home.”

Our Recommendation:

  • Continue mowing our roadsides through this 2022-23 season.

  • Order a full Dept of Agricultural environmental land study.

  • Investigate the legal ramifications of using a widespread chemical herbicide.

  • Present the completed studies to the citizens of McIntosh County before choosing how to proceed.


Executive Director, KMB


Board Members, KMB

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